Hello 2011, it's been awhile since I've Blogged. So much has happened since September, my daughter was married, my cousin was married and my grandson arrived on November 4th. With all of those happy, glorious events I still managed to quilt all of my customer's quilts on time for Christmas and make some things for our new Trevor.

I don't believe in resolutions, like a diet it's setting yourself up to fail, I have however decided to straighten out my house, my files, my pantry, my fabric stash and projects.
I've had an overwhelming need to clean, which is so uncharacteristic for me! I don't believe that cleanliness is next to Godliness but the clutter and disorganization after so many huge events has got me down.
Do you have a great organizational tip? My favorite is to sort the mail as soon as it comes into the house, each persons mail, my bills, magazines, the recycling bag is next to me and then anything that could be used to steal our identities goes to the shredder. If you have a tip to share post a comment!
I like lists, shopping lists, to-do lists, Honey-do Lists (my favorite!) and now a project list. My need to create and to collect is a big part of who I am, always has been. So I have a list of my Works In Progress or WIPS, some are quilting related, some knitting and some cross stitch. I've promised myself not to start something new, a very overriding need of mine, until I complete 5 WIPs. Can I do it, or even remember where I parked my list? Time will tell but I am off on the right foot.
A crocheted afghan for Trevor is now done, Ashley's birthday quilt (from August) is ready to be quilted now, the borders complete. That's 2, sew far sew good!
Wish me luck and my next post will list my current WIPs, at least the most recent and then I will post pics of them as they get done.
I won't mention all the books I want/need to read, that's another story!
Enjoy the snow, winter will be gone soon enough, use the cold weather to get things done inside so that you can get outside when it warms up! Or you can be like our dogs and LOVE the snow!
Hey Mom, your blog looks great! Good luck with the cleaning!