Hello again, I hope that you all survived the winter to end all winters and are enjoying this little taste of spring! Bandit Queen of the Quilting Studio, above sends wet kisses!
I've been busy with family, planning a wedding and birthdays. I've quilted a couple of quilts for customers, two for grandkids, Grace and Emily. They were both bright, happy quilts and a pleasure to quilt for Joyce H. and Betsy P.
No photos yet, I took pics of Emily's quilt without the data card in my camera! I will take some at my guild's quilt show this weekend at Archbishop Wood High School. County Line Quilters are having their bi-annual show, it's all members quilts with no judging just a lot of beautiful quilts with the stories of why they were made.
Below are 2 quilts that I finished, the first is Ruth's Spring Birds stack'n'whack, a very pretty and well made quilt. In order to not detract from the designs created by the fabric we opted to do continous curves in the stars and then stipple the background to make the stars pop.
Love your quilts!!