Good Morning, it's cloudy here and we had a red sky this morning so I guess Phil was right and we are going to have more winter! I am not surprised since spring is on the calendar for late March anyway! :)
I am happy to announce that Julie of http:www.jaybirdquilts.com has her first quilt published in Quiltmaker Magazine http://www.quiltmaker.com/patterns/index.html !
Congratulations Julie! Cornflower Fields is beautiful and I was fortunate to be able to quilt it for Julie last fall! It was marathon quilting!
I worked with Julie at Country Quiltworks in Montgomeryville, PA and she is so energetic and excited by all things quilty!

I was pleasantly surprised to receive an advance copy of Quiltmaker in the mail, just because I was listed as the quilter! How nice is that????
On my to do list are several baby quilts, I need to sew the last 2 rows of my Farm Fresh quilt that I am going to teach as a beginner class at Country Quiltworks www.countryquiltworks.net this spring. It's so bright and happy, all fruits and veggie farbics with had dyed solids, makes me yearn for my garden.